Magnesium: The Essential Mineral for Physical Health

Magnesium: The Essential Mineral for Physical Health

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is an important mineral known to regenerate and maintain healthy bones, aids in the contraction of muscle tissue, and plays as a gatekeeper between the body’s nerve cells and the brain.[i] Humans get magnesium from their diet, but sometimes dietary intake of magnesium may be low, particularly among women.  Low magnesium levels in the body have been linked to diseases such as bone disease (ie. osteoporosis), high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. Magnesium is essential to many functions in the body, including the physical and chemical processes in the body that convert and use energy. Every organ in the body needs magnesium including the heart, muscles, and kidneys.

Magnesium Benefits For Physical Health

Magnesium also has other functions within the human body [ii] :

·         Decreases joint, arthritic and muscle pain

·         Reduces inflammation

·         Maintains the proper function of nerves, muscles, and many other parts of the body

·         Helps neutralize stomach acids and moves stools through the intestine (good for constipation!)

·         Acts as an antacid to treat heartburn

·         Builds strong teeth

·         Helps deter restless leg syndrome

·         Stops excess cortisol production (responsible for stress) and balances hormonal levels[iii]

Typically, our body can retain as much as 25 grams of magnesium. Fifty to sixty percent of that is found within the bones and the rest in the soft tissues. [iv] This is good news for anyone suffering form bone or joint pain. It is estimated that 90% of North Americans suffer from a lack of magnesium but an excess of calcium. An excess of calcium can cause bone spurs and accentuate osteoarthritic pain. Magnesium breaks up this calcification and allows the joints and soft tissues to move more easily reducing chronic joint pain.  [v] Magnesium helps our muscles and rids our body of excess calcium in joints that cause arthritic pain and stiffness.[vi] 


Food Sources of Magnesium

Magnesium is naturally found in high fibre foods. Other food sources include dairy products, deep green leafy vegetables, nuts, whole grains, chocolate, and water with a high mineral content. Magnesium naturally occurs in many foods, including fruits and vegetables. It is a powerful and important mineral that is necessary in our diet – however, most people are still lacking in magnesium. If one suffers from joint pain this can be a debilitating mistake in one’s approach to their health care regime. 

One of the most effective natural treatments or joint pain is magnesium. By using magnesium, one’s ability to walk, move, and exercise can be greatly enhanced. Because it hydrates the joints and develops brain function, a persons sleep may even improve.  So try the magic of magnesium today and see how your lubricated joints and muscles will thank you!






[iv] National Institutes of Health

