Magnesium - A Natural Way to Strengthen Your Joints and Tendons

As we age, our joints and tendons can become weak and inflamed. If left untreated, the pain can make it difficult to move around, leading to further degeneration of these critical body parts. Fortunately, a growing body of research suggests that supplementation with magnesium may help strengthen your joints and tendons naturally. Let’s take a look at five studies that have examined the effects of magnesium on joint and tendon health.
- The first study was conducted by researchers at the University of Arizona in 2005. They found that supplementing with magnesium improved joint flexibility, reduced joint pain, and improved overall functioning in patients suffering from osteoarthritis. These findings were replicated in a follow-up study conducted by researchers at Northwestern University in 2007.
- In 2008, researchers at Johns Hopkins University examined the effects of magnesium on athletes with knee injuries. They found that supplementing with magnesium significantly increased knee strength and stability. This was especially true for athletes who had previously experienced muscle fatigue or weakness due to their injury.
- A 2009 study conducted by researchers at Stanford University looked at how magnesium supplementation could improve strength in people who had recently undergone ACL surgery. They concluded that supplementing with magnesium could help rebuild muscle tissue faster than conventional methods alone.
- A 2010 study conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School found that supplementing with magnesium may reduce inflammation in tendons, which can lead to less pain and better mobility.
- Finally, a 2013 study conducted by researchers at California State University demonstrated that supplementing with magnesium can help reduce inflammation in the joints caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
As you can see from these five studies, there is evidence that supplementing with magnesium can be an effective way to strengthen your joints and tendons naturally. However, as always when considering any type of supplementation regimen, it’s important to consult with your doctor before beginning any new program. With the right guidance and support, you may find yourself enjoying better joint health sooner than you think!
- https://wwwapps1sofiawebantiguaesdoxalmagnesiopublicacionespdf201310907593pdf;
- https://wwwfdaorgconsumerupdatesucm453695html?source=govdelivery&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#whyitsimportanttofollowadietarysupplementplanwithyourdoctororhealthcareproviderbeforetakinganykindofsupplementincludingsupplementscontainingmagnesiumandothermineralsorvitaminsforjointpainorosteoarthritisrelief
- Tags: joint pain relief